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Weather Rant

Let’s talk about the weather, I mean what is the deal?! One minute it is scorching hot in fact, too hot to function and all you want to do is lay around moping on the floor complaining about how hot it actually is. However this doesn’t happen often enough and when it is hot it’s when you are trying to sleep and by then it’s too hot to sleep and you’re too tired to do anything about it!

I can’t describe the utter disappointment that I felt when walking out of my house on a sunny morning. I would look out of my window and see that the sun is splitting the trees. I would walk out into the ‘sun’ in shorts expecting to get beautifully tanned or horrifically burnt and I didn’t get either. I got frost bite because no matter how sunny it looks it is always freezing. It’s so disappointing. And let’s not get started with your legs sticking to seats when wearing shorts, and don’t be shaking your head denying it because it happens to everyone and it’s so painful. Peeling your legs off burning leather seats or plastic chairs one at a time and feeling the agony shoot up your leg almost as if you are ripping layers of your skin off all at once is one of the worst things about summer, but hey what can you do? “At least there is sun!” I would bet this is one of the most said phrases in summer time.When you complain that it’s too hot all people say is “at least there is sun!” and to that I say “exactly that is the point, it is too hot!!!” And then it starts to rain. You are wearing shorts, and it rains.

So you have gone from a lobster to a drowned rat looking like Chihuahua in the rain. Summer has come but where is the weather?!

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